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Confused About Solar Energy? This Is For You

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Total visits: 140
Posted on: 06/22/22

When you run around outside, enjoying the heat of a summers day or the bright light at noon, you can thank the sun for your joy. Whether youre sunbathing on a beach or driving, the sun is what gives you the ability to do so. Using solar energy is another great perk, and this article will tell you how its done.

Your solar energy system needs to be exposed to the sun at all times. Most homeowners have their solar panels installed on their roof but you could also have some panels installed on your front lawn. Do not hesitate to cut a few trees to avoid shadows and have a professional help you determine the best place for your panels.

Take the time to compare different types of solar panels before you invest in a green energy system. There are different technologies and brands to compare and it is true that the most expensive panels are often the most efficient ones. Talk with vendors and professionals to learn more about solar panels.

Your solar energy system can not only save you money, but help you make it too. If your system happens to make more energy than you need, then you can sell it to the local energy company in your area. Imagine receiving money to produce energy instead of spending money to produce the same amount of energy?

Always use non abrasive cleansers on your solar panels. An abrasive cleaner can scratch the surface of the panel and cause permanent damage and affect how well the solar panel works. There are commercial cleaning solutions to use or you can use a pool skimmer with a very soft cloth on it.

Dont underestimate the effect that shade can have on a solar panels output. One tree branch can produce enough shade to reduce the amount of solar energy produced by almost 80 percent and thats without leaves. Take the time to properly situate any solar panels you install to maximize their efficiency.

Think about heating your hot tub or pool water with solar energy. These devices are some of the most energy consuming things that people have in their homes these days. If you use solar energy instead of standard energy to power these you could greatly reduce your carbon footprint and save money in the end.

If you are considering solar panels, check out the age of the items you are interested in. Many current technologies are better, but some panel vendors sell technology thats a couple years old. It may be cheaper upfront to buy older panels, but it will be more costly in the long run.

If you are located in the Northern hemisphere, your solar panels should be facing south. People who live in the Southern hemisphere should install their panels facing north. Putting them in any other way will defeat the entire purpose since the panels will not have a chance to collect a large amount of energy from the sun.

Do you have a pool? You could save a lot by investing in solar panels. There are small solar energy systems designed to power a water heater or a water pump and since you only use your pool during the warmer months, your panels will work perfectly when you need them.

The sun helps us in so many ways, and with these ideas in your mind, you should be able to use it to power your life, too. Just make use of what youve learned and youll find no struggle in obtaining solar power. Then you can switch from the grid to self-sufficiency.

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