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Make Your Neighbors Jealous With These Landscaping Tips

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Posted on: 08/09/22

Landscaping can be very enjoyable if you have specific plans of what you want to do and the knowledge of how to do it. Whether you have a large area to work with or just a small back yard, you can make good use of the tips below to create outdoor beauty.

Edging flower beds can help to update your yard quickly. Remember that curved beds are seen as more contemporary, as well as sharp corners. The fresh edges are a cost effective way to improve the look of your yard and flower beds.

Find alternative ways to get your materials. You can simply pick up stones on natural sites or bricks on demolition sites. Some cities give out free mulch or lumber. You should also talk with your neighbors and find out if they have any extra supplies they would sell you at a discounted price.

Many people put most of their landscaping efforts into their front yard. A front yard is noticed by more people, and it gives people their first impression of both the home, and the homes owners. A well-designed front yard landscape will not only showcase your home, it can also enhance the physical appearance of your home. To find ways to improve the landscaping of your front lawn, peruse landscaping, and books to garner new ideas.

Leave grass clippings on your lawn after you mow it. As they decompose, the grass clippings will provide nutrients to your yard, so the lawn will be in less need of fertilizer.

A great way to tie your entire landscape together is to use anchor plants. Anchor plants are plants that you repeatedly use that will give your entire design a sense of unity and balance. This way your landscaping will flow together seamlessly and look as good as it possibly can.

If you are inexperienced at landscaping and gardening, you must consider the maintenance involved before selecting your next project. Never plan a high-maintenance, ornate design unless you are confident in your abilities to care for it properly. If you cannot afford to hire someone to maintain your lawn, it is best to opt for simple designs with low-maintenance elements.

Speak with a professional or two before you get started. Even if you landscape yourself, talk to a pro for more reassurance. If you dont know that much about landscaping, a professional can offer advice or help you prevent huge mistakes. If you do know about landscaping, having a second opinion can always be helpful.

Before you embark on a large landscaping project, contact your homeowners association, if you have one. Many neighborhoods have guidelines and specifications regarding what you can or cannot do to parts of your property that are visible to other neighbors. They can even force you to change things, if you are in violation of set rules.


If your home is located in an arid part of the country, exercise caution when planting tall grasses in your yard. To reduce the risk of damage from wildfires, it is best to use short, grounded varieties of grass. If you absolutely must plant tall grasses, you should do so well over 100 feet away from your house.

Instead of saving your landscaping hours for a whole day out of your weekend, break down the tasks into half hour segments and do them on weekdays. By doing this, you can get in some light exercise and sunshine after or before a shift at work. It also means your body takes less of toll on the weekends, which are now free for doing something really fun, or nothing at all.

If you are the proud owner of a new home, you probably have landscaping work to do. An empty lot can be a challenge so you will need to educate yourself about landscaping. Use the tips above to make the space around your new home into the showcase of the neighborhood.

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